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Which companies need non-standard robots

Release date:2017-12-14 Author: Click:

Which companies need to buy custom non-standard robots? Before answering this question, we first understand what a "non-standard robot" is.

Non-standard robots are defined as non-standard equipment, not equipment manufactured in accordance with the unified industry standards and specifications issued by the country, but equipment designed and manufactured according to their own needs. Devices whose appearance or performance is not in the National Equipment Catalog. Non-standard robots can be divided into fully automated non-standard equipment and semi-automatic non-standard equipment according to the degree of automation.

Non-standard robot is physically a mechanical production equipment. Conceptually it is a series of specific actions. It is specially customized according to the production environment, production type, and production link. Therefore, even if the non-standard equipment of the same type and the same function has the same shape And size are different.

With the development of industry, the demand for workers in all walks of life has been greatly increased. In the production sector, the wages of workers in labor-intensive enterprises are a large expenditure, and costs are rising sharply. Under the premise of ensuring product quality, we want to make cheaper products. The only way to go is to lower production costs and improve production efficiency. The speed of manual operation is limited. No matter which station, which product. We do not rule out the possibility of relying on machines to operate. The wages of workers are only rising and not falling (determined by the labor law), and must be paid on time every month. This cost increases with the extension of the working life of the workers.

So, back to the question itself, which companies need non-standard robots?

Non-standard robot

First, companies that need to reduce labor costs.

With the continuous improvement of social material and spiritual life, workers' higher requirements for material and spiritual life, the wage level of workers has shown an upward trend year by year. What is more serious is that with the development of urbanization across the country, the gap between the economic development of the eastern and western regions has gradually narrowed, and the workers in the eastern coastal areas will gradually be scattered. It is becoming more and more difficult to recruit workers in factories. High salary. For this type of enterprise, the emergence of non-standard robots can effectively solve the problem of workers in high-cost enterprises. Non-standard manipulators can engage in production operations 24 hours a day. Enterprises only need to train a small number of people who manage these non-standard equipment to complete most of the production, thereby fundamentally solving the dependency on the number of workers.

Second, companies that need to improve production efficiency.

For a fast-growing company, production efficiency is the source of the company's power and the guarantee of the brand. Delivery of production orders on time and quality to customers will bring more orders, so a good cycle. To achieve this beautiful vision, companies need to improve the equipment used for production, especially non-standard robots. Through continuous accumulation and optimization of production experience, non-standard robots are introduced into specific production processes that are particularly time-consuming and labor-intensive. Equipment to do it automatically will greatly improve the efficiency of production.

Third, companies that need to improve production quality.

The quality of production is the foundation of the enterprise and the guarantee of the brand. The quality of traditional production products is determined by the proficiency of workers in the production process and production tools. Due to personal development and emotional factors, workers are highly mobile, so the quality of workers is uneven. The result is that the rate of defective products varies, which is not conducive to maximizing corporate benefits. Non-standard robot is a conceptual crystallization of the company's production experience. It can accurately complete the various actions of production, ensure the predetermined quality of the product, reduce waste, and thus enhance the competitiveness of the company in the market.

Site address://feeling-yh.com/en/news/218.html

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Deqi Automation Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Address:366 Xiangjing Road, building 6, Songjiang District, Shanghai , P.R.China

Contact:Rock Wang





