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The relationship between non-standard automation equipment and intelligent manufacturing

Release date:2016-07-27 Author: Click:

At present, the intelligent manufacturing market is very hot. What kind of relationship does it have with non-standard automation equipment? We will analyze it one by one.

The 2017 international conference on intelligent manufacturing, co-sponsored by the Chinese academy of engineering and the ministry of industry and information technology, was recently held in Beijing. According to a lot of information disclosed by the conference, the promotion of intelligent manufacturing has made significant progress in the transformation and upgrading of China's manufacturing industry. New intelligent technology will further speed up the landing of intelligent manufacturing.

Lu Yongxiang, former vice chairman of the standing committee of the National People's Congress, attended and addressed the meeting. Minister of industry and information technology Miao Wei delivered a keynote report on "deepening intelligent manufacturing and accelerating the fostering of new drivers of global economic development". Zhou Ji, The president of the Chinese academy of engineering and honorary chairman of the China mechanical engineering society, also gave a report entitled "digital manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing 1.0 and intelligent manufacturing 2.0".

Digitalization and intelligence go deep into the global manufacturing service chain.

Nowadays, all countries in the world are stepping up the layout of intelligent manufacturing to seize the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution. The new industrial revolution centered on non-standard automation equipment and intelligent manufacturing has become the focus of the international community. Lu Yong pointed out that Germany's industry 4.0, the us industrial Internet, made in China 2025, the UK's industry 2050 strategy, and Japan's unmanned factories and collaborative robots have injected strong impetus into the innovation of network intelligent manufacturing services, and provided new opportunities, new ways and new space for global cooperation and sharing. The world manufacturing industry is about to usher in a new era.

In the middle of the 20th century, the invention of computer and numerical control machine tools opened the era of digital manufacturing. Semiconductor, IC, program controller, industrial control software, field bus, AGV, industrial robot and other technical support to promote the development of CNC center and CNC production line, the manufacturing industry to the flexible manufacturing stage. In the new century, the Internet, the Internet of things, big data, VR/MR, AI, cloud computing, 3D printing and other technologies are changing with each passing day, pushing digitalization and intelligence into the whole industrial chain and ecological chain of manufacturing services. From terminal intelligence to collaborative intelligent terminal/the clouds, from the application of intelligent control based on measuring sensor, model development based on visual perception, mixed reality, cloud computing, big data network system of intelligent, from a rooftop and plant manufacturing and services, expand to the global network of intelligent design from micron material nano precision manufacturing to reduce material/material manufacturing. It provides a new possibility for the realization of zero inventory, zero waste, zero downtime, zero mismatch of digitalization, networking, personalization, customized intelligent design and manufacturing and lean management services to create cooperation.

Smart manufacturing is the key to fostering new global drivers

China's manufacturing industry is in the stage of industrial upgrading from traditional manufacturing to advanced manufacturing. For China, made in China 2025 has taken smart manufacturing as its main direction and breakthrough. Miao Wei pointed out that China's intelligent manufacturing development has achieved positive results. Grasping the core of intelligent manufacturing will certainly have a significant and far-reaching impact on deepening the integrated development of manufacturing and the Internet and consolidating the foundation of the real economy. It is reported that our country has issued a "smart manufacturing development planning", the intelligent manufacturing engineering implementation guide, such as intelligent manufacturing standard system construction of the national guide, high-performance laser gain large metal components manufacturing equipment, a distributed control system (DCS) major progress was made in some key technologies and equipment, such as exploring the formation of network collaborative manufacturing, mass customization, a batch of more mature, new mode can be replicated, can promote intelligent manufacturing, continuous deepening of national, local and enterprise level intelligent manufacturing international cooperation. In general, through the joint efforts of all parties, the social consensus to promote intelligent manufacturing has been formed, and the results are showing.

Miao Wei stressed the need to actively adapt to the development trend of intelligent manufacturing. On the basis of the good start, we will accelerate the cultivation of the development ecology of intelligent manufacturing and promote its further development. First, the implementation of intelligent manufacturing projects, the implementation of the "Five,three, five,ten" key tasks; Second, we will continue to carry out trials and demonstrations on smart manufacturing, and actively develop national smart manufacturing demonstration zones. Third, we will strengthen the basic support capabilities for standards, industrial software, industrial Internet and information security. Fourth, actively cultivate intelligent manufacturing ecology and build a system solution supplier with industry characteristics.

Three of the four driving forces of the new economy are related to ICT

Zhou Ji pointed out at the 2017 international conference on intelligent manufacturing that the exponential growth of information technology, the widespread application of digitalization and networking, system integration innovation and artificial intelligence technology breakthrough are the four driving forces of the new round of economic development.

The first is the exponential growth of information technology. Moore's law, the legendary law of the semiconductor industry for 50 years, marks a leap forward for the entire information industry, not only chips, but also computers, networks, communications and other information technologies. In particular, in the past decade, new information technologies such as mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data and the Internet of things have achieved mass breakthroughs at almost the same time, all showing exponential growth.

The second is the popularization of digitalization and network. The wide range of digitalization and network application makes information service enter the era of inclusive computing and network, which really triggers a revolution.

The third is technology fusion and system integration innovation. System integration innovation is a new method of innovation. It may not be the latest technology, but the combination of these technologies is revolutionary innovation. Apple's smart phone and tesla electric car are successful examples of system integration innovation. The greatest opportunities for the future come from the interaction and convergence of new and existing technologies that will disrupt future technologies and industries.


Finally, the new generation of artificial intelligence technology strategy breakthrough. In recent years, the rapid development of artificial intelligence in the world, not only a breakthrough in quantity, but also a qualitative leap. As the learning capacity of intelligent machines and the complexity of tasks are increasing exponentially, the development and popularization of new artificial intelligence technologies will greatly exceed the speed of previous scientific and technological revolutions. The new generation of artificial intelligence technology, as the core technology of the new scientific and technological revolution and the industrial revolution, will become the core technology that will disrupt economic development and human society in the next decades.

Zhou stressed that ai 2.0 technology will lead intelligent manufacturing from 1.0 to 2.0. He said the goal of the intelligent manufacturing 1.0 system is to digitize and network the manufacturing industry, and the most important feature is to realize network interconnection and system integration on the basis of full digitization. The technology level is equivalent to industrial 3.5. The goal of intelligent manufacturing 2.0 system is to realize digitalization, networking and intelligentization of manufacturing industry and realize intelligent manufacturing in the true sense.

Intelligent manufacturing will arrive in three stages

Intelligent manufacturing is a big concept, which includes digitalization, networking and intelligence of manufacturing industry. It is composed of three manufacturing systems with different paradigms such as digital manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing 1.0 and intelligent manufacturing 2.0. At the same time, it is also a large system engineering, from the product, production, mode, foundation, system five dimensions to understand, system promotion.

According to zhou ji, intelligent manufacturing system consists of the following four aspects:

First, smart products are the main body. Digitalization, networking and intelligentization are the technologies to realize the innovation of mechanical products, so that mechanical products develop to "CNC generation" and even "intelligent generation", fundamentally improving product functions, performance and market competitiveness. For example, the railway locomotive has made China one of the countries with the most developed high-speed locomotive technology in the world.

Second, intelligent enterprise is the main line. Digitalization, networking and intelligentization are also technologies for production technology innovation, so that the manufacturing industry can develop into an intelligent integrated manufacturing system, build an intelligent enterprise, and comprehensively improve the level of product design, manufacturing and management. For example, Siemens chengdu project has realized the whole process of digitalization and network from design, product research and development, production to logistics distribution and management.

Third, the industrial model is the theme of transformation. The application of digitalization, network and intelligent technology has promoted the transformation or innovation of industrial model. On the other hand, the industrial form changes from productive manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing. In general, the fundamental industry model has shifted from product-centric to user-centric. For example, GE makes big data collection and analysis of all engine blade and engine data through technical innovation, which is no longer a fault diagnosis for engine, but a health guarantee system. Gm is a technology that makes it now more than just a way to sell products, but a business service model that pays by the hour, moving from manufacturing to service manufacturing.

Fourth, the construction of intelligent manufacturing infrastructure. It includes the construction of information-physical system, actively promoting the construction of industrial Internet infrastructure, strengthening the intelligent manufacturing standard system, information security system and the construction of network information platform with the new generation of artificial intelligence technology as the core.


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Deqi Automation Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Address:366 Xiangjing Road, building 6, Songjiang District, Shanghai , P.R.China

Contact:Rock Wang





