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Contact:Rock Wang







Address:366 Xiangjing Road, building 6, Songjiang District, Shanghai , P.R.China

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How does the non-standard automation group detect the quality of the servo motor

Release date:2018-01-31 Author: Click:

Non-standard automatic assembly operation panel button, whether the contact is conducting, whether there is oil on the adhesion; whether the button can be touched, the timer cam switch checks: whether there is abrasion during rotation and movement, whether there is oil adhesion; whether there is abrasion on the contact part. Controls whether the contacts of the relay in the wrench are good, and whether the hydraulic equipment piping is good. The NC servo system should avoid dust and corrosive substances, the ambient temperature should be kept appropriate, and whether the cooling fan is working properly. Whether the wire connector of the servo motor is loose and whether the wire will be damaged. The guide bush and guide post of the trolley need to be regularly lubricated. It is recommended that the guide bush be buttered every two to three months. Check whether the rotation position is flexible and whether the screws of each part are loose. Such as left and right blanking part, holding part, pressing arm part. Check whether the two nuts at the front of the expansion part of the material rack are loose. Check it every two weeks. If it is loose, re-tighten it. Check all oil cylinders for oil leakage once a month; check all cylinders for air leakage once a month.

Site address://feeling-yh.com/en/news/374.html

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Deqi Automation Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Address:366 Xiangjing Road, building 6, Songjiang District, Shanghai , P.R.China

Contact:Rock Wang





